Proceedings of the sixth Asia-Erope Symposium on Proseesing and Properties of reinforced polymers(第六届亚洲-欧洲增强聚合物材料加工与性质学术研讨会论文集) 免费 夸克云 mobi azw3 pdf 下载 chm snb

Proceedings of the sixth Asia-Erope Symposium on Proseesing and Properties of reinforced polymers(第六届亚洲-欧洲增强聚合物材料加工与性质学术研讨会论文集)精美图片

Proceedings of the sixth Asia-Erope Symposium on Proseesing and Properties of reinforced polymers(第六届亚洲-欧洲增强聚合物材料加工与性质学术研讨会论文集)电子书下载地址

》Proceedings of the sixth Asia-Erope Symposium on Proseesing and Properties of reinforced polymers(第六届亚洲-欧洲增强聚合物材料加工与性质学术研讨会论文集)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Proceedings of the sixth Asia-Erope Symposium on Proseesing and Properties of reinforced polymers(第六届亚洲-欧洲增强聚合物材料加工与性质学术研讨会论文集)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787560969053
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2013-06
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:77.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
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   Proceedings of the sixth Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing

and Properties of Reinforced Polymers collects 185 papers which are

presented orally or exhibited at poster session during the sixth

Asia-Europe symposium on processing and properties of reinforced

polymers (AESP6), Wuhan, China. These papers covering the aspects

of reinforcements for nanocomposites, interphases/interfaces,

bio-composites, functional/smart composites, fracture,

manufacturing/processing and industrial applications. These papers

presents us the advances in fundamental research and application

research of polymer-based composite materials. Also, the book can

be used as a guidebook to know the state-of-the-art of this area

for researchers, engineers or students.



Session Ⅰ Plenary Lectures

Polymer Blends and Composites for Biodegradable Coronary Stents and

Tissue Scaffolds

D. Bhattacharyya*, L. Kimble, S. Lin

How Do Carbon Nanotube Fibers Gain Their Strength?

T. W. Chou*

Processing Routes for Achieving Multi?functionality in Reinforced

Polymers and Composite Structures

K. Friedrich*, A. A. Almajid, A. Noll, N. Kn?r, X. Q. Pei, Z.

Rasheva,L. Sorochynska

Shape Memory Characteristics of Epoxy Resin?based Composites

J. Karger?Kocsis*

Highly Anisotropic Mechanical, Electrical and Dielectric Properties

of Self?aligned,in situ Reduced Graphene Oxide/Epoxy


N. Yousefi, J. K. Kim*

Design of Multifunctional Interphases in Composites

E. M?der*, S. L. Gao, J. Zhang, N. Wiegand

Advances in Polymer Nanocomposites for Electronic Packaging

Y. W. Mai*, H. Y. Liu, X. P. Zhou, C. Chen, Y. Xue, X. L. Xie

Actuation and Shape Memory Effect of SMP/CNTs Nanocomposites

Q. Q. Ni*,G. J. H. Melvin, H. Xia

Multiaxial Fatigue Behaviour of Unidirectional Composites: Damage

Mechanics and Modeling

M. Quaresimin*

Study on Structure and Properties of PLA/PBS in?situ Reinforced

Blends Prepared by Vane Extruder

J. P. Qu*, H. Z. Chen, G. Z. Zhang

Session Ⅱ Invited Presentations

Unidirectional Natural Fibre Reinforced Composite: Effect of

Surfacing Veil Application on the Properties of Pultruded


M. H. Zamri, H. M. Akil*, Z. A. Mohd. Ishak

Structural Aspects of Polymer Modified Asphalt Nanocomposites

M. S. Sureshkumar*

Electrospun Nanocomposite from Poly(lactic acid) and Cellulose


C. J. Zhou, Q. F. Shi, R. Z. Huang, Q. L.Wu*

High Performance Bismaleimides: Synthesis of Carborane Alkene as a

Precursor to Carboranyl Polybismaleimide

C. Y. Yue*, J. Zhao, X. Hu

Smart Multifunctional Composites Enabled by Ferromagnetic


H. X. Peng*, F. Qin

Effect of Polyurethane on Mechanical Property of Textile Reinforced


H. Hamada, Y. Yang*

Polypropylene Reinforced by Cellulose Fibers Modified with

Functional Latex

Y. Pan,H. Xiao*, Y. Zhao

Synergistic Toughening of Epoxy with Carbon Nanotube and Graphene

Oxide for Improved Long?term Performance

Y. Q. Li, R. Umer, K. Liao*

Measurement of Bonding Strength between Elastic/Viscoelastic and

Viscoelastic/Viscoelastic Bi?material Interfaces

Z. H. Xia*

Cyclic Fatigue of Nanoparticle Modified Epoxy

H. Y. Liu*, Y. W. Mai

Extraction of Cellulose Nanofiber from Used Paper Pulp

H. Takagi*, Y. Muneta, A. N. Nakagaito, J. K. Pandey

Effects of Anodizing Temperature on the Microstructure of Ti6Al4V

and Its Apparent Shear Strength Bonded with Epoxy

P. G. He, K. Chen, B. Yu, C. Y. Yue, J. L. Yang*

Mechanical and Physical Properties of Needle Punched Nonwoven Kenaf

Fiber Mat Composites Produced by Resin Transfer Moulding(RTM)

Z. A. Mohd. Ishak*, M.S. Salim, R. Mat. Taib, M. Z. Ahmad


Comparative Study on Mechanical Performances of Cross?Ply Laminates

of HDPE Fiber, HDPE/rPET and HDPE/LCP Composite Fibers

S. Saikrasun*,S. Kayaisang,T. Amornsakchai

Highly Filled Graphite/Polybenzoxazine Composites for Bipolar Plate


S. Rimdusit*, A. Pengdam, M. Okawalai, I. Dueramae

The Impact of Liquid Carbon Dioxide as a Detergent on Textile


S. Al?Enezi*, M. Al?Smahan

Novel pvT Measuring Method for Thermoplastic Composites

J.G. Kovacs, F. Szabo

Effect of Attrition Milling on Reinforcing Effect of

Montmorillonite in Polymer Nanocomposites

H. Hargitai*, T. Ibriksz

Electrospun Fibers of PLA/ENR Blends: Effect of Nanofiller Addition

on Thermal Properties

S. Saengsuwan* P. Nuinu, J. Llawtong

Processing and Mechanical Characterization of Glass Fiber

Reinforcements Using Nano Particles

R. Umer*, Y. Li, K. Liao, W. Cantwell

High Temperature Applications Poly (lactic acid) Compound: The

Design of Experiment

U. Meekum, P. Katesa*

Probing Molecular and Surface Interactions of Mussel Adhesive

Proteins by Using Surface Forces Apparatus

Q. Y. Lu, H. B. Zeng*

High?frequency Electromagnetic Properties of Magnetic Polymer

Composites for Microwave Applications

F. X. Qin*, C.Brosseau, H. X. Peng

Basalt Fiber?A Promising Reinforcement for Wind Turbine


P. Tam?s, T. Czig?ny*

Fabrication and Characterization of Nano?HAp Reinforced

Poly?D?L?lactide Scaffolds with Poly (ethylene

glycol)/Dexamethasone Coatings

L. Chen, C. Y. Tang*, C. P. Tsui, D. Z. Chen

Syndiotactic Polystyrene/Carbon Nanotube Composites

Y. Feng, G. M. Chen*

Polyurethane Reinforced by Nano?fiber Supramolecular


L. Jin, H. Wang, Y. J. Yang*

In?situ Hybrid Composites: Microstructure and Processing


J. S. He*

Approaches to Enhance Mechanical Properties and Proton Conductivity

of Nanocomposites by in?situ Bonding

L. C. Tan, R. Zeng, Y.W. Chen*

Synergistic Fire Retardancy of Clay and BZn on PP

L. J. Wang*, X. L. Xie, C. A. Wilkie

Study of Anisotropic Mechanical Reinforcement, Wear Resistance of

Long Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Nanocomposite: from Nanoscale to


H. Y. Wang*, C. Li, Y. J. Zhu, Y. Lin

Intrinsic Self?healing of Covalent Polymers Based on Alkoxyamines


M. Z. Rong*, M. Q. Zhang, C. E. Yuan

Simulation of Fiber Orientation in Spiral Mold of Fiber Reinforced

Injection Molding

Z. Zhou, B. Y. Jiang*, F. Z. Jiang

Processing and Properties of Crosslinked Graphene Oxide/Poly(vinyl

alcohol) Nanocomposites

Y. F. Huang, W. H. Ruan*, M. Q. Zhang, M. Z. Rong

Interfacial Interaction and Mechanical Properties of

Rubber/Fibrillar Silicate Nanocomposites

N. Y. Ning*, M. Tian, X. L. Zhang, Y. C. Yu, L. Q. Zhang

Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Composites with High Dielectric Constant

and Low Dielectric Loss Prepared by Electrospun?in?situ

Film?forming Technique

M. Tian*, X. Bai, N. Y. Ning, L. Q. Zhang

Preparation of High Performance Phthalonitile Polymer and

Toughening with Nanodiamond Particles

Q. X. Zhang, X. Y. Yu*

Thermoplastics Reinforced by Self?welded Glass Fibers: Effect of

Interfacial Affinity on Preferential Segregation

G. Z. Wu*, B. P. Li, Y. H. Zhang

Toughness and Brittle?ductile Transition of Particle Toughened


Y. X. Hu, W. Jiang*

Response in Melt Viscosity of Polystyrene with Different

Topological Structure after Adding Isotropic Nanoparticles

H. Y. Tan, D. H. Xu, J. Zheng, D. Wan, T. Tang*

The Location, Migration and Self?assembly of Carbonaceous

Nanoparticles in Polymer Blends and Their Electrical


C. Mao, J. R. Huang, Y. T. Zhu*, W. Jiang

Novel Reactive Compatibilization Strategy through Physical

Functionalization and/or Coupling

C. C. Cheng, F. X. Lu, C. W. Huang, H. K. Shih, H. C. Yen, F. C.


Hierarchical Self?Assembly Structures of POSS?Containing

Polypeptide Block Copolymers

Y. C. Lin, S. W. Kuo*

Development of a "Green" Polymer Nanocomposite

N. Tripathi, A. Bajpai*

Functionalization and Reduction of Graphene Oxide and Its

Electrically Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites

F.Y. Yuan, X. Z. Li, Z. Z. Yu*

Functionalization and Polymeric Composition of BN Nanotubes

C. Y. Zhi*

VARTM Process for Ramie Fiber Fabric Reinforced Anionic Polyamide?6


M. B. Yang*, Z. Kan

The Electrical Conductive Network Architecture of PP/PA6/CB

Composites through Morphology Development during Layer?multiplying


S. Y. Guo*, J. B. Shen, J. Li

Rheology of Sub?micron Thick Polymer Melt

A. Ponjavic, L. di Mare, J. S. *

Creating Filler/Matrix Interfacial Bonding by Metal Ion

Coordination: Graphene Oxide/Polymer Nanocomposites with

Significantly Enhanced Mechanical Properties

X. M. Xie*, N. Chen, Y. T. Liu, C. Lin

Buckypaper?based Shape Memory Polymer Composites:Electrical

Actuation and Shape Control

J. H. Gou*, F. Liang, Y. Xu

The Influence of o?MMT on the Co?continuous Morphology of Ternary

PE?g?MAH/PB?g?MAH/PA6 Blends

D. Ran, B. Gao, D. A. Shi*

Development of Nano?structured Multifunctional Composites

X. S. Yi*, M. C. Guo

Cellulose Based Nanocomposites with Improved Properties Prepared by

Selectively Dissolving Plant Cellulose in Ionic Liquids

J. Zhang*, J. M. Zhang, N. Luo, J. S. He

ZnO Quantum?dot Modified Silicone Resins with Tunable Luminescence

and High Refractive Index

H. Q. Shi, S. Y. Fu*

High Mechanical Performance of Layered Graphene Oxide/Poly(vinyl

alcohol) Nanocomposite Films

L. Q. Liu, Y. Gao, Q. Liu, J. Kuang, D. Zhou, B. H. Han, Z.


Development of Fire Retardant Polymer Nanocomposites

D. Y. Wang*

The Synthesis of a Bio?based Polyester and Its Toughening in


L. Q. Zhang*, H. L. Kang

Comparison Study of Four Aluminum Phosphinates Filled

Flame?retardant Epoxy

H. Zhou, J. Y. Liu*, X. Liu, H. Wang, C. L. Hu

Structure and Properties of Poly (vinylidene fluoride)

Nanocomposites Based on the Ionic Liquid Coated Carbon


C. Y. Xing, Y. J. LI*

Functional Polymers for Biomedical Applications

X. Z. Zhang*

Cellulose Nanowhisker Reinforced Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Pectin

Composite Films

H. Z. Li, S. C. Chen, Y. Z. Wang*

Single Crystals with Incorporated Polymer Networks and

Nanoparticles: Composite Structures and Novel Properties

H. Y. Li*, Y. J. Liu, H. Z. Chen

Linear Viscoelasticity of Filled Polymer Melts

Q. Zheng*

Well?ordered Block Copolymer/Inorganic Nanoparticles


W. K. Li, K. Wang, R. J. Liang, J. T .Zhu*

Advances in Ordered Polymer?based Composites

X. L. Xie*, M. L. Ni, H. Y. Peng, X. P. Zhou*, Y. W. Mai

Coated Methacryl Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane onto

Multi?walled Carbon Nanotube and Its Polymeric Composites

G. X. Chen*, D. Sun, W. Zhang, Y. Ren, Q. Li

Functionalized Graphene with Liquid?like Manner

D. N. Li, X. Du, L. J. Dong, C. X. Xiong*

Sensitive and Selective Polymeric Membrane for Rapid Zn (II) Ions


Julia.S.P.,Robert K.Y.Li*

Thermally Conductive, Insulated Polyimide Nanocomposites by

AlO(OH)?coated MWCNTs

Y. Zhang*, S. X. Xiao, Q. Y. Wang, S. W. Liu, Z. G. Chi, J. R.


Electrical, Mechanical Properties and Morphology of

SEBS?g?MAH/Graphene Nanocomposites

H. Shi, C. Li, D. Shi*, J. Yin*and R. K. Y. Li*

Hollow Microporous Organic Capsules

X. J. Yang, B. Y. Li, B. E. Tan*

Composite Functionalization of Polymer Nanotubes

L. Liu*, W. Ni, F. X. Liang, Z. Z. Yang*, D. Z. Jia

The Integrated Simulation of Injection Molding Process and


H.M. Zhou*, Y. Zhang, H. Wang

Session Ⅲ Oral Presentations

Interdiffusion of Phenoxy and Polyethersulfone Thermoplastics in

RTM6 Epoxy Resin: Thermoplastics Solubility, Microstructure of

Binary Blends and Swelling Behavior

P.V. Velthem*, W. Ballout, D. Dumont, B. Coulon, M. Sclavons, C.


Kinetics Analysis of Non?Isothermal Degradation of

Polybenzoxazine?Woodflour Composites

C. Jubsilp*, N. Arttawang, S. Mo?on, S. Rimdusit

HDPE?g?MAH Modified with Hydroxylated Melamine Derivatives

Y. Liu*, C. Hahn, R. Dicke, T. Pham

Recent Advances in Online Hybrid Yarns for Thermoplastic GF


N. Wiegand*, E. M?der, M. Krüger

Multifunctional Films Composed of Carbon Nanotubes and


H. Qi, J. Liu, S. Gao, E. M?der*

The Synthesis and Properties of Nanoscale Ionic Materials Based on


L. S. Wu, B. Q. Zhang*, C. Y. Liu

Macroscopic Graphene Assemblies and its Potential as Smart


L. Q. Liu*, Z. H. Dai, J. Kuang, Z. Zhang

Melt Flow Behavior of Particulate Polymer Composites

C. P. Tsui*,J. Z. Liang, C. Y. Tang, P. S. Uskokovic

Preparation of Drug?loaded Porous Poly?L?lactide Microspheres Using

Compressed CO2 Antisolvent Process

A. Chen*, C. Zhao, S. Wang, Y. Liu

The Crystalline Superstructure of Polylactide (PLA) and PLA/ramie

Fiber Bio?composites under Strong Shear Flow

G. J. Zhong*, H. Xu, Z. M. Li

Carbon Black/Polypropylene Electrically Conductive Composite with a

Segregated Structure

K. Dai, S. G. Zhao, W. Zhai, G. Q. Zheng, C. T. Liu*

Electroactive Responsive Shape Memory Effect of Carbon Nanotubes

Enhancing Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanocomposites

E. Z. Ye, T. H. Shen, W. E. Yang, C. Y. Tang, X. L. Xie, F. P. Du


Effect of Pre?process Drying of Cellulose on the Properties of

Cellulose Fiber Reinforced Poly(lactic acid) Biocomposites

T. T?bi*, T. Czig?ny, J. G. Kov?cs

Morphology of Poly (lactic acid) Scaffolds Fabricated by a Modified

Solvent Casting/Porogen Leaching Method

X.H. Gong*, L. Pan, X. Wang, J. Jiang, G. Zhang

Session Ⅳ Posters

Creation of Nanostructured Composites Is a Way to Create Reinforced


Y. V. Savelyev*, T. V. TravinskayaA, A. N. Gonchar, M. Yu.


Highly Electrical and Thermal Conductive Composites by Direct Epoxy

Infusion of Graphene Sponges

Y.Q. Li*, Y. A. Samad, R. Umer, K. Liao

The Application of Fly Ash Nanoparticles in Composites Reinforced

by Glass Fabrics with Different Structures

Y. Wang*, G. C. Zhu, R. Mishra, J. Militky

Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Film Sheet from PLA/ENR Blends

using Rutile TiO2 as Fillers

P. Nuinu*, S. Somla, S. Saengsuwan

Measurement of Rolling Resistance of Fabrics for Tire


S. W. Chen,S. C. *, A. B. Hegana, G. Ji

Interlaminar Strength Properties of a Green Composite Laminate

Reinforced with Needle?punched Ramie Fabrics

J. Yin, D. Hirakawa, K. Goda*

Facile Preparation and Characterization of Boron Nitride?coated

Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

W. Yan, Y. Zhang*, S. W. Liu, Z. G. Chi, J. Xu*

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Organic/Inorganic


P.H. Yeh, Y. F. Shih*, X. P. Wang, L. Y. Huang

Preparation, Characterization and Properties of in?situ Formed

Graphene Oxide/Phenol Formaldehyde Nanocomposites

W. H. Xu, C. Wei*, J. Lv, H. X. Liu

Microstructures of Bamboo and Biomimetic Research

B. Chen*, D. Yin, Z. Zhang, J. Fan

Volute?Cellular?Fiber Microstructure of Bone

B. Chen*, D. Yin, Z. Zhang, J. Fan

Reinforcing and Toughening of Epoxy Matrix by Electrospun PA6/MWNTs

Composite Fibrous Membranes

G. Y. Liao*, X. Peng, Y. L. Ke, S. B. Jiang

Sulfonated Poly (ether ether ketone)/Silica Coated Multiwalled

Carbon Nanotubes Composite Membranes for Direct Methanol Fuel


Q. Geng, C. L. Gong, L. Cui, Y. Xia, G. W. Zheng, S. Wen*

High Ion Conducting Composite Polymer Electrolyte Using Polymer

Ionic Liquid?functionalized Graphene Molecular Brushes

Y. S. Ye, X. L. Xie, John Rick, F. C. Chang*, B. J. Hwang*

Hierarchically Structured Graphene Foam and its Potential as a

Large?scale Strain?gauge Sensor

J. Kuang*

Novel Method for Silver Nanowires Preparation from Electrospinning

and Surface?enhanced Raman Scattering of Ag/PVA Nanofiber


F. D. Lin, J. H. Chiu, J. W. Jhang, C. M. Wu*

Fabrication of Nanogold Doped ZnO Electrodes Using Electrospinning

and Their Application in Dye?sensitized Solar Cells

Y. Y. Su, P. Y. Huang, C. M. Lin, C. M. Wu*

Rubber/Graphene Oxide Composites: Interfacial Interaction and


Z. H. Tang, S. W. Wu, B. C. Guo*, L. Q. Zhang*

Nanofillers Reinforced Bio?based Polyester for Shape Memory


Z. H. Tang, W. S. Guo, D. Q. Sun, B. C. Guo*, L. Q. Zhang*

Microstructures of Spruce Wood and Research of Biomimetic Sandwich


D. Yin, B. Chen*, Z. Zhang

Retiform?fiber Microstructures of Lobster Cuticle

D.Yin, B. Chen*, Z. Zhang, J. Fan

Physical and Mechanical Property of Interlaminated Jute?glass

Hybrid Reinforced Phenolic Composite

Y. Yang*, H. Hamada

Flow?induced Morphologies of Poly(lactic acid) and Ramie Fibers in

Injection?molded Biocomposites

H. Xu, Y. Li, H. D. Huang, J. Zhang, G. J. Zhong*

Simulation of Fiber Orientation in Spiral Mold of Fiber Reinforced

Injection Molding

Z. Zhou, B. Y. Jiang*, F. Z. Jiang

Interfacial Micromechanics of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene

Sulfide Composites

B. Y. Liu, X. J. Wang*, S. R. Long, J. Yang*

Thermal Properties of Boron Nitride Nanoplatelets/Epoxy


J.H. Yu*, S. R. Lu

A Novel Ceramic Membrane Made by Aligned Halloysite Nanotubes

(HNTs)/Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone(PVP) Composite Fibers

X.T. Xu, D. Lu, Z. M. Zhang, H. B. Chen, J. S. Wu *

Thermal Properties of Graphene and Its Composites

Y. H. Zhao, Z. K. Wu, S. L. Bai*

Glass Fibres with Photocatalytic Capabilities:Preparation and



Effect of Phenoxycycloposphazene(HPCTP) Content in Magnesium

Hydroxide/Low?density Polyethylene Blends on Electron Beam

Irradiation and Flame Resistance


Transparent Composite from Using Aligned Electrospun Nylon?6

Nanofibers as Reinforcement


Manipulation of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Polymorphism in PVDF/GO

Nanocomposite during Melt Crystallization


Creep Analysis of Polymer under Vibration Loadings with Small



Vacuum Infusion Thermoplastic Composites for Natural Fiber Fabric

Reinforced Anionic Polyamide?6


Processing and Characterization of Solid and Microcellular

Poly(lactic acid)?based Nanocomposites


Preparation of Highly Porous and Interconnected Scaffold by the

Combination of Particulate Leaching and Supercritical CO2



Processing and Characterization of Supercritical CO2 Batch Foamed

Poly(lactic acid) Based Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering



Rhodium Complexes with Bident N?Heterocyclic Carbenes


Solvent Effect on Preparation of Carboxymethyl Cotton Knitted

Fabrics for Wound Dressing


Space Charge Suppression Effect of MgO Nanoparticles in Low Density



The Composite Filter Media Prepared Using Electrospinning


J.Li,F.Gao,Z.Zhang *

Self?doped TiO2 Nanotube Arrays for Supercapacitors


Visible?Light Responsive Photocatalytic Fuel Cell Based on

Cu2O/Cu/TiO2?NTs Photoanode and CuO/TiO2 Photocathode for

Simultaneous Wastewater Treatment and Electricity Generation


Novel Magnetically Separable Composites AgCl/Iron Oxide with

Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity Driven by Visible Light


Effective Photoelectrocatalysis Degradation of Microcystin?LR on

Ag/AgCl/TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Electrode under Visible Light



Synthesis and Characterization of WO3 Loaded TiO2 Nanotube Arrays

Electrode and Its Photocatalytic Activity


Degradation of P?nitrophenol Stimulated by Thermally Activated

Persulfate:Effects of Temperature and Metal Ions


Effective Photocatalytic Disinfection of Pathogenic Bacteria with

Ag/SiO2/TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Film under Visible Light



Azobenzene?based Photo Controllable Drug Release LBL


J.Wang,J.Li*,Y.P Cao*

Synthesized and Application of the Novel TiO2 Colloids


Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan/CuPc/Nano?iron

Magnetic Microspheres


Study on the Novel Phosphorus?containing Epoxy

Resin:Synthesis,Curing Process and Flame?retardant Property


Crystallization and Structural Analysis of Poly (trimethylene

terephthalate) Film Studied by Raman Spectroscopy


An Novel Indole/Pyrole Heterocycles for Organic Light?emitting

Materials:Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Device Performance


Anti?infrared/Ultraviolet Property of CNTs?containing Epoxy Resin



Fire?retarding Intrinsic Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on

Multi?armed Oligo(ethylene oxide)


Surface Modification of UHMWPE Fiber via DBD Plasma


Preparation of SiO2 Filled Regenerated Cellulose Nanocomposite

Membranes for Dehydration of Caprolactam by Pervaporation


A SCF Theory on the Configuration of the Homopolymer Chain at the

Instant?aneous Force


Folate?chitosan Modified Alginate/CaCO3 Hybrid Nanoparticles for

Tumor?targeted Drug Delivery


Dynamic Vulcanization of Totally Biobased Polyester

Elastomer/Polylactide Blends


Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interfacial Dynamics and

Micro?structural Evolution under Tension of Polymer



Polymer?nanosheet Interfacial Behavior Revisited:A Molecular

Dynamics Study


Thermal Stability and Morphology Studies on Polyhedral Oligomeric

Silsesquioxane/Polysiloxane Composites Prepared by in?situ



The Fracture Behavior and Toughness of Shortened Ramie Fiber

Reinforced Epoxy Resin Matrix Composites


Novel Flame?retardant Epoxy Composites Based on Zinc Methylethyl



Lanthanide Coordination Polymers with Hexa?carboxylate Ligands

Derived from Cyclotriphosphazene:Structures and Luminescent



Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hollow Glass

Microspheres Reinforced Polypropylene Composites


Microemulsion Supramolecular Gels for Protein Modulated

Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Dual?drug Delivery


A Facile Way to Fabricate Hybrid Microparticles with Tunable



Control the Location of Inorganic Nanoparticles in Block

Copolymer/Nanoparticles Composites


Selective Localization of Preformed Nanoparticles in

Morphologically Controllable Block Copolymer Assemblies


Microfluidic Generation of Multifunctional Photonic Crystal



Generation of Multifunctional Molyester Nanoparticles for Therapy

of Malignant Melanoma


Theoretical Investigation of Hydrogenated Silicon

Nanocrystals:Size,Shape,and Surface Reconstruction


The Influence of POSS on Photopolymeriation Shrinkage,Photoreaction

Kinetics and Photo?rheology Behaviour of Polymer Dispersed Liquid



Thermal Processing and Glass Transition Behavior of Cellulose

Plasticized by Ionic Liquids


Reduced Graphene Oxide with Stable Dispersibility Used as Thermal

Conductive Filler of Polymeric Electronic Packaging Material


The Effects of Ionic Solvent?free Carbon Nanotube Fluids on the Low

Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of CNT/Epoxy Composites


Plasticization of Biomass and Polymer/biomass Composites

J.Bai,X.P. Zhou*,H.J.Hu,X.L.Xie*

Hypercrosslinked Microporous Aromatic Heterocyclic Polymers for

Highly Selective CO2/N2 Separation


Synthesis of Poly(vinyl acetate) Based Amphiphilic Surfactant by

RAFT/ATRP Polymerization and Preparation Macroporous Materials by

Emulsion?templating Polymerization


Surfactant Free CO2?in?Water Emulsion?templated Poly(vinyl alcohol)

Hydrogels and Their Applications in Tissue Engineering


Magnetic Iron Oxide(Fe3O4) Nanoparticles Prepared with Water

Soluble Polymer Ligand for Drug Delivery


Multi?scale Linear Low?density Polyethylene/talc Composites


Small Amount of Functionalised Nanosilica with Dramatic Enhanced

Fracture Toughness of Epoxy Matrix for Large?scale



Construction of Dual Stimuli?responsive Microcapsules and Their

Controlled Encapsulation and Release Properties


Author Index



Science and










This is proceedings of the sixth Asia-Europe Symposium on

Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers (AESP6) held in

Wuhan, China, June 2-6, 2013, which followed the excellent

reputation and traditions of previous symposia organized in Nancy,

France (2004), Beijing, China (2005), Budapest, Hungary (2007),

Guilin, China (2009), and Dresden, Germany (2011).

The symposium has attracted numerous researchers and scientists in

the field of fundamental and applied research associated with

polymer-based composites since first conference in France (2004).

The aim of the symposium is to provide a platform for scientists,

researchers and engineers in the broad disciplines to discuss and

share research results, new ideas and practical development

experiences. Also, the symposium is organized to enhance

interactions among leading experts and promising innovators from

research institutions, end-use industries and academia.

This proceedings collects 185 papers which are presented orally or

exhibited at poster session during AESP6. These papers cover the

present and the prospective aspects of reinforcements for

nanocomposites, interphases/interfaces, bio-composites,

functional/smart composites, fracture, manufacturing/processing and

industrial applications.

We would like to express our sincerest appreciation to all the

authors for their original and valuable works. Also, we are

grateful to all the committee members and all the volunteers for

their great efforts. Special thanks are due to Natural Science

Foundation of China, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,

Sun Yat-sen University, and Jianghan University. All of the

contributions above make this work possible.


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