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“My mother prophesied years ago that my voice would take me
places. She was certain that there was a reason I was able to sing.
I am still discovering what that reason is, what it is that God
wants to happen.”
–CLAY AIKEN, from Learning to Sing
When he was a kid singing in his church choir, Clay Aiken never
dreamed of becoming a pop music star. His ambition was to be a
teacher, maybe even a high school principal. But Clay’s mother was
right, and the music that was Clay’s joy in life was destined to
lead him to unexpected triumphs.
In Learning to Sing, Clay details what his astonishing success
has meant to him. He writes from the heart about his life before
and since his instant stardom on American Idol, how he has changed,
and how he struggles to adapt to life in the public eye. He speaks
candidly about his lonely childhood: the father who abandoned him,
the school bullies who tormented him, the mother who taught him to
be strong, and the friends and teachers who–more than they ever
knew–kept him going. He describes his new high-profile life in Los
Angeles– the awards shows, the free clothes, the unfortunate
presence of avocado on all the food. More significant, he reveals
what he has discovered from diving into the white-hot center of pop
culture: what it takes for him to stay true to himself and remember
the lessons he learned growing up in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Clay shares his struggle to remain a man his mother can be proud
of, and writes about the faith that sustains him today just as it
did when he was an awkward, unpopular outsider. “I believe God has
a direction for me. He did not give me this life just so I could
buy a big house and an SUV. My job is to give back and to be a
decent human being no matter how many people cheer my name.”
Clay’s friends–the old ones from North Carolina and the millions
of new ones who love his voice–will hold this inspiring memoir as
close to their hearts as they do his music. Learning to Sing
reminds you that anything is possible. Like a perfect song, it will
send your spirit soaring.
Listen First
Decide What Song You Want toSing
Understand the Importance oF a Good Band
Be Aware That Not Fveryone Will Like How YoU Sound,
Find Your Voice
Learn More Than One Song
Sing From the Heart
Don't Be Afrald to Sing Out Loud
Consider Singing a Duet
Some Songs Are Sung in a Minor Key
Learn to Read Husic
Even the Best Singer's Voice Cracks
AimfortheNigh Notes
Understand What You’re Singing For
SingYourOwn Song
Make Sure the Audience CanSing Alon9
Don't sing Rock IF You Really Are a Balladeer
Make a Joyful Noise
About the Authors
CLAY AIKEN was one of the two finalists in the 2003 American Idol
season, and is undoubtedly the biggest star to emerge from that hit
show. Aiken’s debut album, Measure of a Man, hit number 1 on the
Billboard 200 in October 2003, selling 612,000 copies during its
first week. Aiken’s single “This Is the Night/Bridge Over Troubled
Water” won the 2003 Billboard Music Award for Bestselling Single.
He was honored as the Fan’s Choice winner at the 2003 American
Music Awards. Also in 2003, People magazine named the North
Carolina crooner one of its Top Entertainers of the Year and one of
its Sexiest Men Alive, and he became TV Guide’ s Fan’s Favorite
Reality Star. For more information on Clay Aiken, go to
ALLISON GLOCK is the author of Beauty Before Comfort, an
acclaimed memoir about life in West Virginia, now available from
Random House Trade Paperbacks. She has written articles for many
magazines, including GQ and The New York Times Magazine. She lives
in Knoxville, Tennessee.
“My mother prophesied years ago that my voice would take me places. She was certain that there was a reason I was able to sing. I am still discovering what that reason is, what it is that God wants to happen.”
–CLAY AIKEN, from Learning to Sing
When he was a kid singing in his church choir, Clay Aiken never dreamed of becoming a pop music star. His ambition was to be a teacher, maybe even a high school principal. But Clay’s mother was right, and the music that was Clay’s joy in life was destined to lead him to unexpected triumphs.
In Learning to Sing , Clay details what his astonishing success has meant to him. He writes from the heart about his life before and since his instant stardom on American Idol, how he has changed, and how he struggles to adapt to life in the public eye. He speaks candidly about his lonely childhood: the father who abandoned him, the school bullies who tormented him, the mother who taught him to be strong, and the friends and teachers who–more than they ever knew–kept him going. He describes his new high-profile life in Los Angeles– the awards shows, the free clothes, the unfortunate presence of avocado on all the food. More significant, he reveals what he has discovered from diving into the white-hot center of pop culture: what it takes for him to stay true to himself and remember the lessons he learned growing up in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Clay shares his struggle to remain a man his mother can be proud of, and writes about the faith that sustains him today just as it did when he was an awkward, unpopular outsider. “I believe God has a direction for me. He did not give me this life just so I could buy a big house and an SUV. My job is to give back and to be a decent human being no matter how many people cheer my name.”
Clay’s friends–the old ones from North Carolina and the millions of new ones who love his voice–will hold this inspiring memoir as close to their hearts as they do his music. Learning to Sing reminds you that anything is possible. Like a perfect song, it will send your spirit soaring.
From the Hardcover edition.
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