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Tips and techniques for making food look good—before it tastes
Food photography is on the rise, with the millions of food
bloggers around the word as well as foodies who document their
meals or small business owners who are interested in cutting costs
by styling and photographing their own menu items, and this book
should serve as your first course in food photography. Discover how
the food stylist exercises unique techniques to make the food look
attractive in the finished product. You’ll get a taste of the
visual know-how that is required to translate the perceptions of
taste, aroma, and appeal into a stunning, lavish finished
Takes you through the art and techniques of appetizing food
photography for everyone from foodies to food bloggers to small
business owners looking to photograph their food themselves
Whets your appetite with delicious advice on food styling,
lighting, arrangement, and more
Author is a successful food blogger who has become a well-known
resource for fellow bloggers who are struggling with capturing
appetizing images of their creations
So, have the cheese say, "Cheese!" with this invaluable resource
on appetizing food photography.
About the Author. Introduction.
Chapter One: Photography Basics. Light is Everything. Camera Schmamera. Know the Basics. Make Quality Decisions. Get the Look.
Chapter Two: Camera Settings and Modes. Exposure. Aperture. Shutter Speed. ISO. Finding Balance. Metering. White Balance. Camera Modes. Auto Mode. Manual Mode. Aperture Priority. Shutter Priority.
Chapter Three: Natural Light Photography. Hard Light vs Soft Light. Hard Light. Soft Light. Diffuse and Reflect. Diffusers. Reflectors. Options for Diffusing and Reflecting. Natural Light Sources. Outdoor Light. Window Light. Light As Story Teller. Finding Direction. Front Light. Back Light. Side Light.
Chapter Four: Artifi cial Light Photography. Lighting Gear. Studio Kit. Lights. Umbrellas. Scrims. Equipment Setups. Studio Lights and Umbrellas. Diffuse with Scrims. Built-In-Camera Flash. Remote Flash. Remote Flash Settings. Not-So-Remote Flash. Radio Waves. Radio Triggers. Free Standing Light & Soft Boxes. Free Standing Lights & Bulbs. Soft Boxes.
Chapter Five: Composition. Subject Placement. Off-Center. Centered. Rule of Thirds. Focus. Depth of Field. Perspective. Angle. Eye-Level. Overhead. Three Quarters.
Chapter Six: Setting Up for Capture. Establish a Photography Work Area. Location. Accessibility. Plan the Shot. Explore your Recipe. Look at the Menu. Pick Garnishes. Create a Scene. Feature the Dish. Props. Backgrounds. Surfaces and Linens. Use Height and Color to Accentuate and Complement. Heights. Colors. Shooting Tethered.
Chapter Seven: Styling. Herbs and Spices. Bread. Nuts. Fruits and Vegetables. Fruits. Vegetables. Sauces. The Main Dish. Fish and Meats. Stews, Stir Fries and Pasta. Burgers and Sandwiches. Breakfast Baked Goods. Desserts. Cakes. Pie. Ice Creams & Frozen Treats. Hot and Cold Beverages. Stemware. Hot Beverages. Cold Beverages. Garnishes. Helpful Tools. Tweezers. Cotton Swabs. Paper Towels. Paint Brushes. Water Spritzers. Squeeze Bottles. Drinking Straws.
Chapter Eight: After Capture. Transfer. Cables. Card Readers. File . Edit. Photo-Editing Software. Corrections and Adjustments. Color Space. Effects. Store. Backup and Storage. Share. Email. File Sharing Programs. File Transfer Protocol. Dropbox. Printing. Copyright Considerations. Appendices.
Appendix A: Glossary.
Appendix B: Equipment.
Appendix C: Resources. Index.
Hélène Dujardin is a professional food photographer and stylist. Her images grace the pages of numerous cookbooks and magazines, and as a former chef she also prepares the majority of the dishes she photographs. Her blog, Tartelette, ( has earned high praise in the food blog community.
More than 133,000,000 blogs have been indexed by Technorati since 2002 and around 77% of Internet users read blogs according to Universal McCann.
Helene Dujardin is a well-known and respected food blogger, food stylist, and food photographer.?Her blog,, boasts over 100,000 unique visitors each month.
Your digital camera is the perfect travel companion. You don't need to pack extra film, worry about airport scanners, budget for processing costs, or wait until you get home to learn whether you got that once-in-a-lifetime shot. Tuck this book in beside your Frommer's(R) travel guide and you'll have everything you need for fantastic photos--how to watch for the right opportunity, compose the picture, work with lighting--even how to edit and upload from the road. Learn what you must take along and which accessories are nice to have Capture the soul of a city, its people, and its sights Include fellow travelers without shooting stereotypes Take great shots even where flash is prohibited or your light sources are limited Explore scenarios and expert tips for photographing scenery, wildlife, events, exhibits, and much more Post your photos on the Web before you get home
Tips and techniques for making food look good—before it tastes good! Food photography is on the rise, with the millions of food bloggers around the word as well as foodies who document their meals or small business owners who are interested in cutting costs by styling and photographing their own menu items, and this book should serve as your first course in food photography. Discover how the food stylist exercises unique techniques to make the food look attractive in the finished product. You’ll get a taste of the visual know-how that is required to translate the perceptions of taste, aroma, and appeal into a stunning, lavish finished photograph. Takes you through the art and techniques of appetizing food photography for everyone from foodies to food bloggers to small business owners looking to photograph their food themselves Whets your appetite with delicious advice on food styling, lighting, arrangement, and more Author is a successful food blogger who has become a well-known resource for fellow bloggers who are struggling with capturing appetizing images of their creations So, have the cheese say, "Cheese!" with this invaluable resource on appetizing food photography.
Photo Case Studies
Hummus (click for photo information and recipe) Blackberry Pie (click for photo information and recipe) Crudites with Aioli (click for photo information)
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