弱尺度超对称:从超场到散射事例 免费 夸克云 mobi azw3 pdf 下载 chm snb

》弱尺度超对称:从超场到散射事例电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787510042836
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2012-03
  • 页数:537
  • 价格:78.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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the standard model

1.1 gauge invariance

1.2 spontaneous symmetry breaking

1.3 brief review of the standard model

2 what lies beyond the standard model?

2.1 scalar fields and quadratic divergences

2.2 why is the tev scale special?

2.3 what could the new physics be?

3 the wess-zumino model

3.1 the wess-zumino lagrangian

3.2 quantization of the wz model

3.3 interactions in the wz model

3.4 cancellation of quadratic divergences

3.5 soft supersymmetry breaking

the supersymmetry algebra

4.1 rotations

4.2 the lorentz group

4.3 the poincar6 group

4.4 the supersymmetry algebra

5 superfieid formalism

5.1 superfields

5.2 representations of symmetry generators: a recap

5.3 representation of susy generators as differential


5.4 useful 0 identities

5.5 susy transformations of superfields

5.6 irreducible susy multiplets

5.7 products of superfields

5.8 supercovariant derivatives

5.9 lagrangians for chiral scalar superfields

5.10 the action as an integral over superspace

6 supersymmetric gauge theories

6.1 gauge transformations of superfields

6.2 the wess-zumino gauge

6.3 the curl superfield in the wess-zumino gauge

6.4 construction of gauge kinetic terms

6.5 coupling chiral scalar to gauge superfields

7 supersymmetry breaking

7.1 susy breaking by elementary fields

7.2 f-type susy breaking: the o'raifeartaigh model

7.3 d-type susy breaking

7.4 composite goldstinos

7.5 gaugino condensation

7.6 goldstino interactions

7.7 a mass sum rule

7.8 explicit supersymmetry breaking

7.9 a technical aside: ys-dependent fermion mass matrices

8 the minimal supersymlnetric standard model

8.1 constructing the mssm

8.2 electroweak symmetry breaking

8.3 particle masses in the mssm

8.4 interactions in the mssm

8.5 radiative corrections

8.6 should the goldstino be part of the mssm?

9 implications of the mssm

9.1 low energy constraints on the mssm

9.2 renormalization group equations

9.3 constraints from b → sy decay

9.4 bs → μ+μ- decay

9.5 muon anomalous magnetic moment

9.6 cosmological implications

9.7 neutrino masses

10 local supersymmetry

10.1 review of general relativity

10.2 local supersymmetry implies (super)gravity

10.3 the supergravity lagrangian

10.4 local supersymmetry breaking

11 realistic supersymmetric models

11.1 gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking

11.2 anomaly-mediated susy breaking

11.3 gauge-mediated susy breaking

11.4 gaugino-mediated susy breaking

11.5 an afterword

12 sparticle production at colliders

12.1 sparticle production at hadron colliders

12.2 sparticle production at e+e- colliders

13 sparticle decays

13.1 decay of the gluino

13.2 squark decays

13.3 slepton decays

13.4 chargino decays

13.5 neutralino decays

13.6 decays of the higgs bosons

13.7 top quark decays to susy particles

13.8 decays to the gravitino/goldstino

14 supersymmetric event generation

14.1 event generation

14.2 event generator programs

14.3 simulating susy with isajet

15 the search for supersymmetry at coiliders

15.1 early searches for supersymmetry

15.2 search for susy at lep and lep2

15.3 supersymmetry searches at the tevatron

15.4 supersymmetry searches at supercolliders

15.5 beyond susy discovery

15.6 photon, muon, and very large hadron colliders

16 r-parity violation

16.1 explicit (trilinear) r-parity violation

16.2 spontaneous (bilinear) r-parity violation

17 epilogue

appendix a sparticle production cross sections

a.1 sparticle production at hadron colliders

a.2 sparticle production at e+e- colliders

appendixb sparticle decay widths

b.1 gluino decay widths

b.2 squark decay widths

b.3 slepton decay widths

b.4 neutralino decay widths

b.5 chargino clecay widths

b.6 top quark decay to susy particles

appendix c higgs boson decay widths

c.1 decays to sm fermions

c.2 decays to gauge bosons

c.3 decays to sfermions

c.4 decays to charginos and neutralinos

c.5 decays to higgs bosons





  Howard Baer,美国佛罗里达州立大学J. D.












《弱尺度超对称:从超场到散射事例》是一本英文书。Supersymmetric models of particle physics predict new superpartner matter states for each particle in the Standard Model. These superpartners will have wide ranging implications, from cosmology to observations at high energy accelerators, such as CERN's LHC. In this 2006 text, the authors develop the basic concepts of supersymmetry and show how it can be incorporated into a theoretical framework for describing unified theories of elementary particles. They develop the technical tools of supersymmetry using four—component spinor notation familiar to high energy experimentalists and phenomenologists. The text takes the reader from an abstract formalism to a straightforward recipe for writing supersymmetric gauge theories of particle physics, and ultimately to the calculations necessary for practical applications at colliders and in cosmology. This is a comprehensive, practical and accessible introduction to supersymmetry for experimental and phenomenological particle physicists and graduate students. Exercises and worked examples that clarify the material are interspersed throughout.


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