Fifty Songs for High Voice 格里格50首高音歌唱曲目 免费 夸克云 mobi azw3 pdf 下载 chm snb

Fifty Songs for High Voice 格里格50首高音歌唱曲目精美图片
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Fifty Songs for High Voice 格里格50首高音歌唱曲目书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780486441306
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2005-04
  • 页数:159
  • 价格:118.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:大16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Best known for his larger scale works, the great Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) also created smaller pieces such as these strikingly beautiful and varied songs. In his introduction to this collection, the distinguished music critic and Grieg biographer Henry T. Finck declares, "The emotional range of Grieg's songs is wide, their subjects are poetic and pictorial, there are single pages in them that contain more of the essence of genius than many whole sonatas, symphonies, and operas."

Inspired by the folk music of his native country, Grieg drew upon the novelty of his own ideas to create works of utter originality that rank among those of the great composers in terms of melody, harmony, modulation, rhythm, and coloring.This outstanding compilation of the best 50 of Grieg's 135 songs includes many of his most popular melodies, such as "Solvejg's Song," "From Monte Pincio," and "Dreams." Notes on each selection offer essential information for a thorough comprehension and interpretation of these enchanting songs, which were described by the eminent violinist Johannes Wolf as "full of passion and poetry; the more I play them the more I love them; always I find freshness and beauty."


1. Morning Dew (Morgenthau)

2. My Mind is like a Peak Snow-crowned (Mein 8inn ist wie der roach

3. I Love Thee (Ich liebe Dich)

4. The Poet's Heart (Des Dichters Herz)

5. Cradle Song (Wiegenlied)

6. Autumn Storm (Herbststurm)


8. Ragna

9. Margaret's Cradle Song (Margarethens Wiagenlied)

10. Woodland Wandering (Waldwanderung)

11. Mother Sorrow (Mutterschmerz)

12. Good Morning! (Guten Morgen.t)

13. First Meeting (Erstes Begegnen)

14. From Monte Pincio (Vom Monte Pincio)

15. The Princess (Die Prinzessin)

16. My Song to the Spring I proffer (Dem Lenz soll mein Lied erklingen

17. At a Young Woman's Bier (An der Bahre einerjungen Frau)

18. Hidden Love (Verborg'ne Liebe)

19. Solvejg's Song (8olvejgs Lied)

20. Solvejg's Slumber Song (8olvejgs Wiegenlied)

21. A Swan (Ein 8chwan)

22. The First Primrose (Mit einer Primula Veris)

23. With a Water-Lily (Mit einer Wasserlitie)

24. Minstrel's Song (8pielmannslied)

25. 'T was on a Lovely Eve in June (Am schansten Sommerabend war's)

26. The Youth (Der Bursch)

27. Springtide ( Der Friihling)

28. The Wounded Heart (Der Verwundete)

29. At the Brookside (An einem Bache)

30. A Vision (Was ieh sah)

31. The Old Mother (Die alte Mutter)

32. The Only Thing (Das Erste)

33. On the Journey Home (Auf der Reise zur Heimath)

34. Friendship (Fin Freundschaftsstiick)

35. Greeting (Gruss)

36. Ere Long, O Heart of Mine (Dereinst, Gedanke mein)

37. The Way of the World (Laufder I/Pelt)

38. The Silent Nightingale (Die Verschwiegene Nachtigall)

39. In Time of Roses (Zur Rosenzeit)

40. A Dream (Ein Traum)

41. The Mother Sings (Die Mutter singt)

42. In the Boat (Ira Kahne)

43. The Mountain Maid (Das Kind der Berge)

44. The Tryst (Stelldichein)

45. Love (Lie&)

46. At Mother's Grave (Arm Grabe der Mutter)

47. Dreams (Triiume)

48. Eros

49. Radiant Night (Lichte Naeht)

50. Take Good Heed (Sieh' dich vor)











Inspired by the folk music of his native Norway, Grieg drew upon the novelty of his own ideas to create works of utter originality that rank among those of the great composers in terms of melody, harmony, modulation, rhythm and colouring. This outstanding compilation of the best 50 of Grieg's 135 songs includes many of his most popular melodies, such as "Solvejg's Song", "From Monte Pincio and Dreams". An informative introduction by the distinguished music critic and Grieg's biographer Henry T Finck, features notes on each selection, offering essential information for a thorough comprehension and interpretation of these charming songs.


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